Live, the upcoming Malayalam film directed by veteran V K Prakash clears the censor formalities, and the film has been censored with a U certificate. The film is set to hit the theatres on May 12. The film stars Mamta Mohandas, Priya Prakash Varrier, Soubin Shahir, and Shine Tom Chacko in prominent roles.
As per the makers, Live deals with a relevant issue that hasn't been explored much in Malayalam Cinema before. The teaser of the film, which got released last month, hinted that the film's plot revolves around media and fake news themes.
The script of the Live hails from S Suresh Babu, who also wrote V K Prakash's last directorial outing Oruthee.
Distributed by Listin Stephen's Magic Frames, Live also features Krishna Prabha, Reshmi Soman, Mukundan, Jayaraj Kozhikode, and Akksita.
Bankrolled by Darrpan Bangejaa and Nitin Kumar, the technical team of Live includes Nikhil S Praveen as the cinematographer and Sunil S Pillai on the editing table. The film has Music composed by Alphons Joseph