Switch { case n: Movie Review: Behind every line of code lies a human story

Switch { case n: Movie Review: Behind every line of code lies a human story

Director Chethan, himself an IT professional, paints a vivid picture of IT life, drawing from the palette of personal experiences and making the film attractive to non-techies as well
Switch { case n:(2.5 / 5)

As its title itself implies, debutant director Chethan Shetty’s Switch { case n: is a film steeped in coding references that interestingly and cleverly merges software coding concepts with cinematic storytelling, making it particularly appealing to those fluent in languages such as C++ and Javascript. That being said, director Chethan, who himself is an IT professional, paints a vivid picture of IT life, drawing from the palette of personal experiences and making the film attractive to non-techies as well.

Director: Chethan Shetty
Cast: Vijay Lalitha Surya, Shwetha Vijaykumar, Prithvi Raj, Vijay Siddaraj, and Karthik Vaibhav

The film revolves around Siddharth (Vijay Lalitha Surya), an ordinary IT fellow with dreams of becoming a cricketer who hails from a middle-class family. He is an introverted youngster with ambitions. As he steps into the gleaming halls of his new IT company, replete with all the amenities one could dream of, Siddharth finds himself navigating the maze of office politics while being in pursuit of recognition. Chethan’s film also explores the challenges of probation, the dynamics of office life, and the complexities of navigating on-site work, all while weaving in themes of friendship, power play, and relationships. Through Siddharth’s journey, we witness the tug-of-war between his aspirations and the harsh realities of corporate life, worsened by his coworkers’ scheming and the temptation of outside opportunities. In parallel, we see Siddharth’s romantic entanglements, particularly his affection for Navya (Shwetha Vijaykumar), whose intentions blur the lines between genuine affection and opportunistic exploitation. As Siddharth tackles corporate reshuffling, he faces a stern test, revealing the harsh truths of career advancement in the competitive software engineering realm.

Chethan, in his debut, has tried to bring authenticity, offering a raw, unfiltered portrayal of IT life. Except for Vijay Lalitha Surya, Santosh Karki, and Raja Balawadi, who are known names, the film is filled with mostly newcomers (Prithviraj, Vijay Siddaraj, Karthik Vaibhav). Switch { case n: tries to decode the nuances of a hard-working employee’s existence while also shedding light on the universal complexities of dreams and aspirations. In essence, Switch { case n: isn’t merely a film; it’s a symphony of bytes and pixels, meticulously connecting with the souls of IT aficionados and career-oriented individuals alike. It’s a reminder that behind every line of code lies a human story, fraught with challenges, triumphs, and progress. For those fluent in the language of IT, Switch { case n: is a film worth not merely watched but rather deciphered. So, sit back and take on a journey through the binary, ambition, and its adversity.

Cinema Express