Director PC Shekar, who previously revealed the character look of Krishna and Milana Nagaraj in Love Birds, has unveiled one more character look from the film. This time he has shared the poster of Samyukta Hornad, who will be playing Lawyer Maya in the romantic drama.
"She is a daring girl and a successful lawyer, and she is the friend of both Deepak, and Pooja, the characters played by Krishna and Milana," says the director, sharing the first look of Samyukta with CE. The film is about a couple leading a successful life post-marriage, Love Birds is bankrolled by Kaddipudi Chandru under the Sribanashankari Chitralaya banner. The film's music is composed by Arjun Janya, and the first song will be unveiled tomorrow. Shakti Shekar has handled the cinematography of the film.