13 is often deemed an ominous title for a film, but a handful of filmmakers have embraced the mystique surrounding this number. Among these creative trailblazers is director K Narendra Babu, who has made a film centred on the number 13. Titled 13 the film is set to grace screens this week.
Actor Raghavendra Rajkumar, who plays the lead alongside Shruti and Pramod Shetty, calls 13 an engaging film with a meaningful spiritual and communal message. “It delves deep into the pivotal role that numbers play in our lives, exploring the intriguing question, ‘How can one overcome the shadow of the number 13?’ The film portrays this challenge, transforming negativity into positivity,” he says.
Apart from the number game, the film also highlights communal harmony and has Raghavendra Rajkumar playing Mohan Kumar, a devoted Hindu, while Shruti portrays Sahirabhanu, a Muslim woman. “The characters played by both of us transcend the boundaries of caste and religion, uniting in a harmonious embrace, despite the looming spectre of 13, which adds a layer of suspense to the narrative,” he says.
In general, reflecting on the significance of numbers, particularly the number 13, the actor shared his perspective. “While numerous superstitions persist and some numbers carry an unlucky aura, we don’t skip 13 when we count things.” Raghavendra Rajkumar says that he is been currently enjoying playing a pivotal role, and humbly asserts that he does not view himself as the hero of a film. “With years of experience, I’ve come to understand that the character is the true magnet that captivates the audience until the very end, and I believe that the real hero of a film is a powerful story.” he signs off.