Director Yogaraj Bhat’s Gaalipata 2, a sequel to his 2008 film Gaalipata, gets a release date. Starring Ganesh, Dignath, and Pawan Kumar, the romantic drama will hit the screens on August 12. The makers had earlier planned to release the film in June but changed the plans due to the unseasonal monsoon. The team made the official announcement on their social media platform on Saturday.
Lead actor Ganesh’s tweet read, “Get ready to fly on August 12. Mark the date. August 12th.” The film, also featuring Anant Nag and Nishvika Naidu in pivotal roles along with Vaibhavi Shandilya, Samyukta Menon, and Sharmiela Mandre, is censored with a ‘U’ certificate.
This film is the fourth collaboration of Golden Star Ganesh and director Yogaraj Bhat after Mungaru Male, Gaalipata, and Mugulu Nage. Gaalipata 2 has music scored by Arjun Janya and cinematography by Santhosh Raj Pathaje.
The satellite and digital rights of the film, produced by Ramesh Reddy’s Suraj Productions, have been sold to Zee Kannada and Zee 5 respectively for a whopping amount.
Meanwhile, Ganesh has Tribble Riding getting ready for release. He also is gearing up for the shooting of Preetham Gubbi’s Baanadaariyalli, which also stars Rukmini Vasanth and Reeshma Nanaiah.