Amazon miniTV has launched the trailer of Kaali Peeli Tales. Directed by Adeeb Rais, Kaali Peeli Tales is an anthology of six short stories on life in Mumbai. The anthology features actors Vinay Pathak, Gauahar Khan, Sayani Gupta, Maanvi Gagroo, Soni Razdan, Hussain Dalal and others.
The six shorts - Single Jhumka, Love in Tadoba, Marriage 2.0, Fish Fry aur Coffee, Harra Bharra, and Loose Ends - revolve around urban characters on the crossroads of change and acceptance.
Adeeb Rais, Director, Kaali Peeli Tales said, “Each of the six stories in the anthology present a different shade of love and relationships. From new love to rekindling a marriage, from infidelity to divorce, each story will take viewers on an entertainment journey replete with multiple emotions. Along with the stellar ensemble cast, the city of Mumbai adds an interesting dimension to each of these stories.”
You can check out the trailer here -