The Railway Men actor Sunny Hinduja is set to play an exorcist in his Malayalam film debut, Hello Mummy. He took to social media on Monday to share a glimpse of the character he plays in the film. The actor is in Kerala currently for the shooting of the film which is written by Sanjo Joseph and directed by Vaishakh Elans. It also stars Aishwarya Lekshmi and Sharafudeen in pivotal roles.
In the photos shared by him on Instagram, his fingers are seen adorned with rings and tattoos showing the possibility of his character being an exorcist in the fantasy drama. Speaking about his involvement in the project, the actor stated in a press release, "It has been an exhilarating journey diving into the world of Malayalam cinema, and I am truly grateful for the warm welcome from Malayalam movie lovers. While I can't wait to unveil more about my character, I hope this sneak peek ignites the anticipation and curiosity of our audience."
Sunny’s last theatrical release was the Kartik Aaryan-Kriti Sanon starrer Shehzada (2023) where he played the role of Sarang Paul. His role as Sandeep Bhaiya in TVF’s Aspirants became popular and earned him widespread recognition.