Anurag Kashyap took to Instagram on Friday to share first looks of actors Rahul Bhat and Sunny Leone from his upcoming film Kennedy. The film has been selected as the only Indian film to be screened at Cannes Film Festival this year. Kennedy will be screened under the Midnight Screenings category at Cannes.
In the photos shared by Kashyap, Rahul, as Kennedy, looks intense with long hair. His face is hidden as he holds a gun. Sunny, on the other hand, is seen in a sari and donning shades, probably portraying a rich heiress.
Apart from Kennedy, Franco-Algerian director Elias Belkeddar’s Omar la Fraise and French director Just Philippot’s Acide are also in the Midnight Screenings category.
Anurag’s last theatrical release was Almost Pyaar With DJ Mohabbat, an attempt at a Gen Z love story, starring Alaya F and Karan Mehta. Before that the director toyed with the sci-fi genre in Dobaaraa, led by Taapsee Pannu.