After dropping the first look of Shahid Kapoor from the upcoming actioner Bloody Daddy on Tuesday, the makers unveiled the film’s teaser on Thursday. Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, the film will premiere on OTT platform Jio Cinemas on June 9.
The teaser shows Shahid, looking dapper in a black suit with slick hair and a beard. He stares intensely into a mirror and smoothens his collar before going on a rampage of knife stabs, guns and bone-cracking punches. The teaser states that the film is about ‘The Mafia, drugs, cops, family and lots of blood’. Ronit Roy is seen as a gangster while Diana Penty and Rajeev Khandelwal play cops in the film. Amid the relentless action, Sanjay Kapoor interjects, “What the hell is happening?”
Bloody Daddy is an official adaptation of the 2011 French film Nuit Blanche (‘Sleepless Night’). The film is about a police detective (Tomer Sisley) who robs some drug couriers. Things take a turn when the dealer he looted from kidnaps his son and promises to return him only when the drugs are retrieved. The detective agrees, just that the drugs are now missing.
When it comes to other projects, Shahid was last seen in Raj & DK’s Farzi. He is also starring in a yet-to-be-titled film, a love story, with Kriti Sanon. His last film outing was Jersey which failed to perform at the box office.