Suneil Shetty will headline Amazon miniTV’s upcoming thriller series Hunter: Tootega Nahi, Todega. The series also stars Esha Deol, Rahul Dev, and Barkha Bisht in pivotal roles alongside Mihir Ahuja, Teena Singh, Chahat Tejwani, Karanvir Sharma, Siddharth Kher, Gargi Sawant and Pawan Chopra.
In the teaser of the series, unveiled today, Shetty plays A.C.P Vikram Sinha, a cop quick on the trigger. The teaser promises fast-paced action and a lot of 'dialoguebaazi'.
Here is the teaser
Talking about doing action again, Shetty said, “Action as a genre is something I have always been passionate about and Hunter: Tootega Nahi Todega is helping me relive that passion. It is a project that has truly been a team effort. I was hooked on to the character of ACP Vikram Sinha, from the word go. He is the ‘One man army’ that we have heard of often. Totally raw and rigid.”
The series will premiere on Amazon miniTV on March 22, 2023.