Kuttey, the recently released Hindi film directed by Aasmaan Bhardwaj, son of acclaimed filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj, will be available for streaming on Netflix from March, the platform announced on social media on Thursday.
The film boasts a stellar star cast including Arjun Kapoor, Tabu, Naseeruddin Shah, Radhika Madan, Kumud Mishra, Konkona Sensharma, and Shardul Bharadwaj.
“A van carrying crores of cash. One rainy night in the outskirts of Mumbai. Unaware of each other, three stray gangs cross paths on the hunt. Unfortunately, all of them have the same plan. Bullets... Blood... Betrayal... It’s every man for himself... All the dogs after one bone. Will these dogs bite the bone, or will they lose to greed?” reads the logline of the film.
The film is produced by A Luv Films and Vishal Bhardwaj Films Production. The technical crew consists of cinematographer Farhad Ahmed Dehlvi, editor Sreekar Prasad and music composed by Vishal Bhardwaj.