The trailer of Rajkumar Santoshi’s comeback project Gandhi-Godse Ek Yudh was released today. The film stars Deepak Antani in the role of Gandhi while The Kashmir Files actor Chinmay Mandlekar will be essaying the role of Godse.
The trailer takes us to the time of partition when riots were breaking out in the country. Right-wing extremist Nathuram Godse’s voiceover blames Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi for the happenings. “Gandhi is bigger than the country, he is a Mahatma, how to stop him?” We then see Godse shooting Gandhi point blank. But, in a turn of events, Gandhi survives. He then invites Godse for a meeting for a “battle of ideologies”. In different scenes Godse can be seen calling Gandhi “an enemy to the Hindu Rashtra.” He also says, “Whatever I did, I am proud of it,” to which Gandhi replies, “If you have to be proud or shameful, that is for history to decide.” The trailer concludes with Godse pointing at an outline of India’s map and telling Gandhi, “This is our Hindu Rashtra and one day, saffron will reign over this land.”
Mahatma Gandhi was slain on January 30, 1948, in New Delhi's Birla House by Godse.
During his trial, Godse, a member of the Hindu Mahasabha, explained his motivations for assassinating Gandhi, saying he held the Indian nationalist and lawyer responsible for the partition of India and for favouring Muslims.
The film's music has been composed by AR Rahman. It is slated for release on January 26, 2023.