The box office collections of Ajay Devgn’s Drishyam 2 is gaining momentum. After opening at Rs 15.38 crore, (more than the horror-comedy blockbuster Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, which minted Rs 14.11 crore on its first day) the film is set to surpass Rs 20 crore on Saturday.
As per a Pinkvilla report at 4 pm on Friday, the Abhishek Pathak-directed crime thriller’s advance booking was way ahead of the first day. “Conservative estimates as per the trend so far suggest that the second day business of Drishyam 2 will be in the range of Rs 20.75 to 22.75 crore, which means a fantastic overall growth of around 45 per cent,” read the report.
Drishyam 2 has also beaten the Day 1 collection of Akshay Kumar’s Ram Setu (Rs 15.25 crore). As per trade analysts, the film is on its way to become a hit. However, it will be called a blockbuster, only after it passes the weekday test.
The film will also bring some relief to Ajay Devgn, who had two flops — Runway 34 and Thank God, earlier this year.
Drishyam 2 also stars Tabu, Akshaye Khanna, Shriya Saran and Ishita Dutta, among others.
Regarding reviews, the film has received mostly positive feedback from critics. In his 3-star review of the film, Cinema Express' Kartik Bhardwaj wrote, “Drishyam 2 does make you delay that bathroom break. The tension simmers and becomes so thick that it can be cut with a murderer’s knife. It made me skip writing some notes for this review because I was so transfixed with what was playing on the screen.”