Bollywood singer KK passed away in May this year. On occasion of Friendship Day, KK's friends — singers Leslee Lewis, Shaan, Papon, Benny Dayal and Dhwani Bhanushali — have recreated 'Yaaron' for a soda ad campaign. The new rendition also sees KK’s children, Nakul and Tamara, jamming on this iconic track.
You can check out the video here -
Yaaron, which celebrates friendship, was a standout track from KK's debut album, Pal, from 1999. The same year, the song was used in the Nagesh Kukunoor-directed film Rockford.
Shaan, Dhwani, Benny and Papon along with Nakul and Tamara will also come together on KK's birthday (August 23) for the McDowell’s No1 Yaari Jam-KK Forever concert at Phoenix Market City, Kurla, Mumbai.
Remembering the late singer and his friend, Shaan said, "Friends and friendship has always pushed me to do better and grow in life. No matter how many songs I sang, we always ended up singing KK’s iconic “Yaaron” at every meet with my friends. KK was a very dear friend, and I fondly called him Kakes. I miss him immensely, and the opportunity to recreate his song “Yaaron” is once in a lifetime opportunity.."