Trailer for Guillermo del Toro’s animated adaptation of the popular children’s classic Pinocchio was just released online. The stop-motion animated Netflix film is an adaptation of Carlo Collodi’s novel titled The Adventures of Pinocchio, first released in 1883. The book received multiple adaptations through the years, most notably Walt Disney’s animated film in 1940.
Guillermo del Toro had previously won an Oscar for The Shape of Water and his most recent film Nightmare Alley had also received a nomination. The director is known for his dark and subversive take on fairytales and fairytale tropes, the best example of that being his Pan's Labyrinth which was released in 2006.
Netflix Animation is producing the film along with The Jim Henson Company and ShadowMachine. Guillermo del Toro is co-writing the film with animator and storyboard artist Patrick McHale.
The star-studded voice-cast includes Ewan McGregor, David Bradley, Gregory Mann, Finn Wolfhard, Cate Blanchett, John Turturro, Ron Perlman, Tim Blake Nelson, Burn Gorman, Christoph Waltz, and Tilda Swinton.
Slated for a limited theatrical release, the film will stream on Netflix from December 2022.