The creator of the John Wick franchise Derek Kolstad is reportedly working on a feature-length adaptation of the Sega video game Streets of Rage. The film is being developed for Lionsgate Pictures, Kolstad will reportedly write the script while also acting as a producer. Another Sega game Sonic the Hedgehog was recently made into two feature films.
Lionsgate is also developing a feature-length adaptation of the Borderlands games. Streets of Rage revolves around a group of ex-police officers who bring down a crime syndicate by fist-fighting. The side-scrolling fighting game was first released in 1991, the series spawned several sequels with a fourth game releasing in 2020.
Kolstad registered his excitement about being a part of the film by saying, “When Dmitri first mentioned the idea of cracking a ‘Streets of Rage’ movie, I was so immediately freaking in,” Kolstad said in a statement. “And to play with Sega? The 10-year-old me is still grinning.”
Toru Nakahara, who produced both the Sonic the Hedgehog films for Sega, will produce the Streets of Rage adaptation along with Dmitri M Johnson and Derek Kolstad.