Batman: Caped Crusader, which was being developed for HBO Max, has reportedly been axed. The animated series was planned to be a reimagining of the Batman mythology, in the vein of Bruce Timm’s Batman: The Animated Series, which ran between 1992-1995.
The fate of Batman: Caped Crusader is part of several cancellations over at Warner Bros. The studio which currently owns HBO and HBO Max has been cleaning the house, cancelling several projects, some even ready to release. Batgirl, Supergirl, Driftwood, and Looney Tunes were some of the HBO projects that recently faced cancellation.
Bruce Timm, who directed the animated film Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, and Matt Reeves, who recently brought the caped crusader to the big screens with his live-action film The Batman, JJ Abrams, and Ed Brubaker were all part of the cancelled animated series. However, sources report that the series is still going strong with its production while the makers are looking for other possible networks to move the show.