Evidence Movie Review: An investigative thriller over a game of chess stumbling through missing key moves

Evidence Movie Review: An investigative thriller over a game of chess stumbling through missing key moves

While the plot of the film initially appears promising, it ultimately falls short of expectations, lacking depth and coherence in certain aspects
Evidence(2.5 / 5)

An investigation over a chess game is a compelling idea, setting the stage for Evidence, with each scene unfolding like navigating a complex series of events where clues both guide and mislead in equal measure. But before probing into the mysteries, a series of murders serves as a prelude. The first evidence is discovered in a person's car. As he continues on his path, he stumbles upon a bag containing a camera and a stethoscope, igniting the entire episode. As the camera is switched on, it becomes the lens through which the film unravels, revealing the perpetrators and shedding light on the method behind the killings. Priya Ramakrishnan (Manasa Joshi), an investigative officer suspended for undisclosed reasons, is called back by higher ups to take up the case. Her first suspect is Doctor Kevin (Robo Ganesan), who becomes the linchpin.

Director: Praveena CP

Cast: Manasa Joshi, Robo Ganesan, Aakarsh Adithya, Rachita, Poojitha Bobe Gowda, Pavan Suresh, Manmohan Rai, and Shivakumar Aradhya

The chess game serves as an analogy for the evolving tale of suspense and mystery. Praveena CP, the director of this film made on a shoestring budget, attempts to bring a unique twist to the investigative thriller, breaking the monotony by focusing on just two characters: the investigator and the suspect, with their interactions mirrored in a game of chess. However, intermittent songs and a flashback detailing a backstory, narrated by the doctor, try to inject entertainment but occasionally feel repetitive.

While the plot of Evidence initially appears promising, it ultimately falls short of expectations. Despite its interesting premise, the execution lacks depth and coherence in certain aspects. The narrative struggles to sustain momentum, with pacing issues hindering the development of tension and suspense. Robo Ganesan's portrayal of a doctor with quirks, and the investigative officer's involvement in uncovering the mysteries through him, adds an interesting dimension to the film. Both actors keep the audience engaged in their conversations and the strategic game of chess. Unfortunately, the rest of the cast, including Aakarsh Adithya, Rachita, Poojitha Bobe Gowda, Pavan Suresh, Manmohan Rai, and Shivakumar Aradhya, deliver amateurish performances.

Certain aspects seem underdeveloped, leaving a gap in an otherwise promising storyline. Although technicalities occasionally take precedence, efforts are made to keep the audience engaged throughout. While the investigator brings the case to a close, the ending leaves the doctor's fate uncertain, although this may not be the last we see of him. A sequel titled Raavana Returns also seems to be in the making. The director suggests a continuation, leaving the audience feeling that this investigation is far from over.

Cinema Express