35 - Chinna Katha Kaadu, an upcoming slice of life drama directed by debutant Nanda Kishore Emani, has an ensemble cast of Priyadarshi, Nivetha Thomas, Vishwadev Rachakonda, Gautami and more. The film is touted as a rooted family entertainer about a couple played by Nivetha and Vishwa who struggle to make their son, Arun, pass the math exam with the cutoff of 35 marks.
Speaking about 35, Priyadarshi, who plays the role of Chanakya Varma, the strict math teacher, opened up about his reason for taking up the role: “This role is a tribute to my math teacher, whom I hated through my entire schooling period. And also for my mother. When I first heard the script, it reminded me of her. She used to prepare more than my teachers and teach me at home. I saw that character in her.”
35 - Chinna Katha Kaadu has cinematography by Niketh Bommi and music by Vivek Sagar. The film presented by Rana Daggubati is releasing on September 6.