Jr NTR, who is busy with his upcoming period action-thriller Devara, written and directed by Koratala Siva, had announced about his project with Prashanth Neel in 2021. To be produced by Naveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar of the Mythri Movie Makers banner, the collaboration has raised immense expectations among fans and cinephiles. However, there hasn’t been any update on the film ever since. Now, industry reports suggest that the grand launch event of the film might happen on August 9 in Hyderabad, with an official announcement expected soon.
The highly awaited action film remains untitled, but Prashanth Neel in a recent interview said that the film will go on floors this year. Prashanth Neel’s upcoming projects include the much-awaited Salaar sequel, starring Prabhas and Prithviraj Sukumaran.