As we reported earlier, Narne Nithiin is back after his madcap comedy Mad (2023) with AAY, presented by Allu Aravind under the GA2 Pictures banner, produced by Bunny Vas and Vidya Koppineedi. The makers unveiled the theatrical trailer for the film on Monday at Pithapuram. Promoted as an entertaining rural comedy-drama, the film's trailer shows the three leads played by Narne Nithiin, Rajkumar Kasireddy, and Ankith Koyya navigating a village in the Godavari district as the Torch Bewarse gang.
AAY's ensemble cast includes Nayan Sarika, Krishna Chaitanya, and Mime Gopi, among others. This is the ninth production for the banner GA2 Pictures, known for films like Bhale Bhale Magadivoy (2015), Geetha Govindam (2018), and Most Eligible Bachelor (2021).
AAY marks the directorial debut of Anji K Maniputhra. Sameer Kalyani is the cinematographer of the film, with editing by Kodati Pavan Kalyan and production design by Kiran Kumar Manne. Ram Miriyala is the music director of the film, which generated significant buzz with its folk beats. The film is set to hit the screens on August 15, alongside Ram Pothineni’s Double iSmart, Ravi Teja’s Mr. Bachchan, and slice-of-drama 35 presented by Rana Daggubati.