The makers of Hi Nanna, unveiled the film's teaser on Sunday, as announced. The film starring Nani, Mrunal Thakur and Baby Kiara in lead roles, is helmed by debutant Shoryuv.
The teaser shows Nani to be Kiara's Nanna, who is very loving and friendly to her. Mrunal Thakur is introduced as Yashna, who falls in love with Nani. However, she decides to tie the knot with someone else, and both Nani and his daughter are heartbroken. The film promises a romantic drama with elements of love, heartbreak, and of course an adorable father-daughter relationship.
Along with the trailer, the makers also announced that the film's release has been preponed to December 7. Shruti Hassan plays a cameo role in the film which also stars Jayaram. The film is produced by Dr Vijayendra Reddy Teegala and Mohan Cherukuri (CVM) under the banner Vyra Entertaintainments.
Hesham Abdul Wahab is the film's music director, with cinematography by Sanu John Varghese, editing by Praveen Anthony and production design by Avinash Kolla. Apart from Telugu, Hi Nanna will also be released in Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam.