Bellamkonda Sai Ganesh's debut film Swathi Muthyam will now arrive in cinemas on October 5. With this, the family drama has joined the likes of Chiranjeevi's Godfather and Nagarjuna's The Ghost to release on Dasara. Initially, the film was supposed to release on August 13, but the makers have deferred its release by two months to avoid a box-office clash with Macherla Niyojakavargam and Karthikeya 2.
In a statement, the makers of Swathi Muthyam said, "We are witnessing the changing tastes of the audience and we believe Swathi Muthyam is a new-age film that will offer something new and also respect their intelligence. The film comes with a novel plot with all the commercial ingredients that make for a memorable big-screen experience and also promises to be an ideal blend of romance, emotions, humour, and music."
Written and directed by Lakshman K Krishna, Swathi Muthyam features Varsha Bollamma as the female lead, while Naresh VK, Subbaraju, Rao Ramesh, and Surekha Vani will be seen in supporting roles. The music of the film is by Mahathi Swara Sagar.