The makers of Jama unveiled the video of the song 'Poda Po' from the film on Tuesday. Composed and penned by Ilaiyaraaja, the song features a difficult situation in the relationship between Ammu Abhirami and Pari Elavazhagan's characters. The melancholic song is crooned by Rajaganapathy and Priya Jerson.
Helmed by Pari Elavazhagan, Jama also stars Chetan, Srikrishna Dayal, KVN Manimegalai, Kaala Kumar, Vasanth Marimuthu, and Siva Maran, among others.
Jama hit theatres on August 2 and opened to mixed reviews. An excerpt from CE's review of the film reads, "Pari Elavazhagan’s debut directorial is a wonderful ode to Therukoothu. And its authenticity is brought forth in every way possible—right from the songs, makeup, and props to the staging. However, even as they are seamlessly integrated into the screenplay, the narrative suffers from heavy exposition that overstays its welcome."
On the technical front, Jama has cinematography by Gopal Krishna, editing by Partha MA, and art direction by Srikanth Gopal. Learn and Teach Production, which has previously backed Koozhangal, is bankrolling this film.