On Sunday, actor Soori took to his official X handle to pen a note about his upcoming film Kottukkaali, and the character he plays in the film, named Pandi. Directed by PS Vinoth Raj of Koozhangal fame, Kottukkaali also stars Anna Ben and is produced by Sivakarthikeyan.
Sharing a photo from the sets of Kottukkaali, Soori wrote in Tamil, "Kottukkaali will be completely different when compared to my previous films Viduthalai and Garudan. It is a mainstream content-oriented film. A film that is very close to reality. My character, Pandi, is a person who is in every family. Pandi is a character who strongly believes in the relationship patterns and beliefs taught by this society."
He further wrote about the character, "In the journey in this film, I was very careful about properly reflecting and performing the mental struggle of Pandi, which is created by the society. I hope to have achieved the same. Kottukkaali is a film that must be watched in theatres."
Kottukkaali was the first Tamil film to have premiered at the Berlin Film Festival. The film was also screened at the Transilvania International Film Festival where it bagged the special jury award, and Portugal International Film Festival where it received the Golden Lynx Award for the Best Feature Film.
On the technical team, B Sakthivel is handling cinematography, while Ganesh Siva is taking care of editing. Kottukkaali is all set to hit theatres on August 23, clashing along with Mari Selvaraj's Vaazhai at the box office.