Raayan's production banner, Sun Pictures, announced through an X post that the film’s screenplay has been added to the Library of The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. The Library boasts a vast collection of film scripts ranging from the 1910s to the present. Encompassing over 15,000 film scripts, it serves as a general reference point for film students, writers, actors, and filmmakers. The other recent Tamil film screenplay to make it to the Library is that of Parking, writer-director Ramkumar Balakrishnan's film, starring Harish Kalyan, Indhuja Ravichandran, and MS Bhaskar in the leads.
Starring writer-director Dhanush himself in his 50th film as an actor, Raayan tells the story of three brothers and their sister who spend a good part of their childhood without their parents. A young Raayan (Dhanush) takes his siblings, Muthu (Sundeep Kishan), Manickam (Kalidas Jayaram), and Durga (Dushara Vijayan), under his wing and nurtures them into people with a no-nonse, albeit often violent, approach to societal nuisance. The screenplay packs in Shakespearean-level themes of loyalty and betrayal, power and corruption, ambition and greed, and fate.
Raayan also stars Aparna Balamurali, Selvaraghavan, SJ Suryah, Prakash Raj, Saravanan, and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, among others. The film has also been appreciated for its music by AR Rahman and cinematography by Om Prakash.