On Monday, the makers of folk singer Rajalakshmi Senthilkumar's Licence released the trailer of the film. Directed by Ganapathy Balamurugan, the film also stars Radha Ravi, Abi Nakshatra, Dhanya Ananya, Pala Karuppaiah, and Deepa Shankar among others.
The trailer starts with a voiceover announcing the number of child abuse cases recorded in Tamil Nadu every day. We are then introduced to Rajalakshmi's character, a government school teacher who has appealed in court for a Gun licence. The rest of the trailer shows how Rajalakshmi fights for the licence, arguing that it may protect women from abuse.
Licence is produced by N Jeevanantham of JRG Productions. Ajay, Jeeva Ravi, Geetha Kailasam, Namo Narayana, Vaiyapuri, and Pandiyakka round out the cast of Licence.
With cinematography by C Kasivisvanathan, the film has editing by Veronica Prasad and music by Baiju Jacob. The makers are yet to announce a release date for Licence.