On Friday, the makers of Harish Kalyan's upcoming film Lubber Pandhu announced that the dubbing had begun. The film also stars Attakathi-fame Dinesh in the lead role. The film marks the first collaboration between Dinesh and Harish.
Backed by S Lakshman Kumar under the Prince Pictures banner, the upcoming film is written and directed by Tamizharasan Pachamuthu, who has earlier assisted in Sigai, Kanaa and FIR.
In addition to Harish and Dinesh, the film will also star Sanjana, who was last seen in the Vadhandhi web series, and Bala Saravanan, Kaali Venkat, and Swasika Vijay, among others.
While the details of the film are kept under wraps, from the title, it appears to be a cricket-based sports drama.
Lubber Pandhu’s technical crew consists of Sean Roldan who composed the music, with Dinesh Purushothaman handling the cinematography and G Madan as the editor.