Actor Kishen Das will next star in Sync, the upcoming film directed by debutant Vikas Anand Sridharan. Sync is billed as a horror film. Apart from Kishen Das, the film also stars Monica Chinnakotla, as the female lead, Soundarya Nandakumar and Naveena George Thomas. Speaking to Cinema Express, filmmaker Vikas says, "It is an unconventional horror film. Four friends go on a road trip, and when they return, they get caught in a hit-and-run case. While Kishen's character manages the situation and all of them get back home, the subsequent events take a turn when they get on a video group call, later in the night. The entire story unfolds in that one night."
The film's technical crew includes cinematographer PK Shivram, music composer Abhijith Ramaswami and editor R Manu Kathiresan. Vikas notes that they named the film Sync, as it is the interface the characters use in the story for the group video call. That apart, he states that Sync is done on a micro-scale budget. "It's an independent film. My friends and I pooled some money for this project. We managed to bring out the best with a shoestring budget. We completed the entire shooting in just 15 days, including the patch works. The post-production work took some time as CG shots had to look so natural. Since a major portion of this film involves scenes based on video calling, it was a huge challenge to shoot them perfectly. For such scenes, the actors held the camera themselves and shot it.” Vikas adds that Sync is gearing up for a theatrical release soon.