Recently, actors Manjima Mohan and Gautham Karthik took to social media to make their relationship official by sharing a few of their photos. Although there were several speculations about them being a couple, they never confirmed anything on this front.
Now, the latest update from the couple is that they have fixed a marriage date. Manjima and Gautham are set to get married on November 28.
Earlier, announcing their relationship, Manjima wrote, "Three years ago when I was completely lost, you came into my life like a guardian angel. You changed my perspective on life and helped me realise how blessed I am!" In an equally heartwarming note, Gautham said, "You stood by my side when I was at my worst, never losing faith in who I could be. I have peace in my heart now that I've never felt before, and that's all because of what you have nourished in my life. I don't believe that even the word 'Love' is sufficient to describe the bond you have created for us."
On the cinema front, Gautham, who was last seen in Yuddha Satham, has August 16, 1947 and Pathu Thala in various stages of production.