The trailer launch event of Suriya's upcoming release Etharkkum Thunindhavan was held earlier today in Chennai. Apart from Suriya, director Pandiraj, female lead Priyanka Arul Mohan, Sathyaraj, Vinay Rai, Ilavarasu, and other cast and crew of the film.
Suriya started his speech at the event by urging the crowd to pray for the Indian students stuck in Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, amid the Russian invasion. The actor further thanked the people involved in the film for all their contributions during difficult times of the shoot. "We shot the film during dangerous circumstances due to the pandemic. It was a very difficult process," he said.
The actor thanked everyone for all the love his previous two films, Soorarai Pottru and Jai Bhim received. "I saw how gracefully you all handled the issues we faced during Jai Bhim's release. You all are the true Etharkkum Thunindhavans," added Suriya. "After two and a half years, my film is releasing in theatres, and Etharkkum Thunindhavan is a perfect theatre film. It will be a proper treat for the fans," he said.
During her speech at the event, Priyanka thanked Suriya for ensuring that she was comfortable on the sets. "I was so nervous during my first shot with Suriya sir. But he was so encouraging and supportive. I'm so grateful to have shared screen space with him," she said.
While Priyanka referred to Suriya as 'Nadippin Nayagan', actor Sathyaraj said that Suriya is also a "Puratchi Nayagan" for his contributions off the screen. "To his fans, I would like to say that it isn't enough to admire Suriya but you all should also abide by what he stands for," said Sathyaraj.
The actor thanked Pandiraj for bringing him together with Suriya in the film and also announced that he wants to play negative roles once again in the future. "I will do it if I get a good script. I want to do it because I think a generation of people will be unaware of the 'villain Sathyaraj' otherwise," he said.
Director Pandiraj thanked Suriya for the support he showed during the shoot of the film. "A script always chooses its hero, and Etharkkum Thunindhavan wanted Suriya.," he said. The director further urged the media and the fans to not reveal the film's climax on social media and in reviews.
Etharkkum Thunindhavan has music by D Imman, cinematography by Rathnavelu, editing by Ruben, and art direction by Jacki. The film is scheduled to hit screens on March 10th.