We had previously reported that Bobby Simha and Senthil’s upcoming film Thadai Udai has been wrapped. It's now known that the veteran comedy actor has begun dubbing for the film. The makers of the film shared the news along with pictures of the actor in the dubbing studio.
Thadai Udai is directed by debutant NS Rakesh who previously worked as an assistant director for Nalan Kumarasamy and Engeyum Eppothum-fame M Saravanan. The film also stars Prabhu, Rohini, Sarath Ravi, and Deepak Paramesh.
Starring Misha Narang as the female lead, the film is produced by Mudhras Film Factory and its cinematography is handled by Shakthi. If speculations are to be believed, the film will hit theatres in later this year.