The makers of Rudra Thandavam have announced that the film will be releasing on October 1. Directed by Mohan G of Draupathi and Pazhaya Vannarapettai-fame, the film stars Richard Rishi, Gautham Menon, and Darsha Gupta in prominent roles.
The trailer of the film was released last month and hinted at another controversial take similar to the filmmaker's Draupathi. The film has Richard essaying the role of a police officer named Rudra Prabhakaran, while Gautham Menon seems to be playing the main antagonist. Rudra Thandavam also stars Thambi Ramaiah and Radha Ravi in prominent roles.
Other cast members include Malavika Avinash, Marimuthu, Y Gee Mahendran, and Mano Bala, to name a few. The film has music by Jubin while GM Film Corporation has bankrolled the film in association with 7G Films.