The Whistle Theme track from Ajith Kumar's Valimai has been launched by the makers. The theme composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja has a subtle and laidback tone, just like the film's original theme, which was used in the motion poster.
Notably, the composer had previously mentioned in several interactions that Valimai won't have the usual instruments or the heroic buildup music in the BGM.
Valimai marks H Vinoth's second collaboration with Ajith after the 2019 courtroom drama, Nerkonda Paarvai. Billed as an action entertainer, Valimai has remained one of the most awaited Indian films ever since its announcement in late 2019. The duo will be joining hands again for a third film together post the release of Valimai.
Valimai has Huma Qureshi playing an important character and Karthikeya as the antagonist.
The film also features Bani, Sumithra, Achyunth Kumar, Yogi Babu, Raj Ayyappa, Pugazh, among others in supporting roles