Indian-origin actor Poorna Jagannathan is set to feature in an upcoming dramedy, titled I'll Show You Mine. The film produced by Duplass Brothers Productions, will be helmed by Megan Griffiths, known for films like Sadie, Lucky Them, Eden and The Off Hours.
Co-starring Casey Thomas Brown the film has a screenplay by Tiffany Louquet, Elizabeth Searle and David Shields. I'll Show You Mine will be produced by Mel Eslyn, Lacey Leavitt, Ashley Edouard and Griffiths.
Poorna Jagannathan, previously featured in critically-acclaimed shows like The Night Of, Better Call Saul, Ramy and Big Little Lies. She has also starred in Bollywood blockbusters Delhi Belly and Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani.
The actor was most recently seen in Netflix show Never Have I Ever and Apple series Defending Jacob.