Dhanush's upcoming film, directed by Karthick Naren and produced by Sathya Jyothi Films, has been titled as Maaran. The first look poster of the film was also revealed on the occasion of the actor's birthday. It features Dhanush slamming a goon's face on a glass table and interestingly, each of the scattered glass piece reflects the actor's face showing different emotions.
Maaran has Malavika Mohanan playing the female lead and Smruthi Venkat and Samuthirakani in key roles. The film will have music by GV Prakash Kumar and it features Dhanush as an investigative journalist.
The film has Virus writers Sharfu and Suhas penning the script, with lyricist Vivek making his screenwriting debut, credited for additional screenplay and dialogues. Maaran is Karthick’s third film after Dhuruvangal Pathinaru and Mafia.
Meanwhile, Dhanush's other projects include Naane Varuven, Selvaraghavan's sequel to Aayirathil Oruvan, Atrangi Re, an untitled film with Ramkumar, Russo Brothers' The Gray Man, and a trilingual with Sekhar Kammula.