Director Ram Gopal Varma (RGV) has expressed his interest to make a film based on the life of Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao. "A biopic on KCR is in the works. The story of that film will be backed by thorough research and truth to avoid any unnecessary controversy," says RGV.
The director, who awaits the release of his controversial biopic, Lakshmi's NTR, says that the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) is yet to certify the film and is confident of overcoming all the hurdles ahead of its release. "We are living in a democratic country and I have every right to make a film on a story I have conceived. I think Lakshmi's NTR won't invite any trouble from the CBFC whatsoever and I assume they won't raise any objections,"
He reveals that he met more than 30 people before penning the script, but did not meet any person involved in the conspiracy at that time. "Times have changed and friends would have turned foes and vice versa. I interacted with those who are away from publicity, gathered information available in the public domain, watched NTR's interviews and read a lot of books. The film is not narrated from anyone's perspective and all I've tried to show is the truth I believe in. I think the film has answers for all your questions," says the director.
RGV was the first choice to direct NTR Kathanayakudu and NTR Mahanayakudu, starring Balakrishna. But he apparently refused to direct the film as Balakrishna was unwilling to show the events that happened after NTR's second marriage to Lakshmi Parvathi and the Viceroy coup. "That meeting with Balakrishna inspired me to direct Lakshmi's NTR," he adds.
Denying any political motivation behind making the film, he asserts, "I haven't aligned with any political party. Backstabbing is part of our lives. Lakshmi's NTR will show the bond NTR shared with his wife, the spectrum of events and the subsequent developments that led to the political coup at Viceroy hotel in 1995, and the mental trauma that led to his demise," says RGV, adding, "I don't think this film will influence voters and change the outcome of an election. But, this story will definitely show how the loss of trust can break one's heart."