Shanthanu Bhagyaraj has joined the cast of Vaanam Kottatum, produced and co-written by Mani Ratnam. The film, starring Vikram Prabhu, Madonna Sebastian and Aishwarya Rajesh as the leads, and directed by debutant Dhana, went on floors today.
While it was earlier announced that the film will have music by 96-fame Govind Vasantha, Sid Sriram subsequently replaced him as the composer. So, Vaanam Kottatum marks the singer's debut as a music director.
Also starring Velaiilla Pattadhari-fame Amitash Pradhan, Nandaa, Sarathkumar and Radikaa Sarathkumar, the film has cinematography by Preetha, editing by Sangathamizhan and lyrics by Vivek.
Apart from this film, Shanthanu has Chimbu Devan's Kasada Thapara in the pipeline.