Jayaram’s latest, Pattabhiraman, will be releasing this Friday. The Kannan Thamarakulam directorial also stars Baiju Santosh, Dharmajan, Hareesh Kanaran, Ramesh Pisharody, Miya George, Premkumar and Sheelu Abraham. It is produced by Abraham Mathew under the banner of Abaam Movies.
The trailer, dropped online last week, hints at a murder investigation thriller. In an earlier conversation with us, Kannan Thamarakulam had told us that Jayaram’s titular character plays a government official who tries to expose some disconcerting lies.
This is Jayaram’s fourth film with the director after Thinkal Muthal Velli Vare, Aadupuliyattam and Achayans. Pattabhiraman has been shot in Thiruvananthapuram, Tirunelveli and Munnar. M Jayachandran has composed the music.
Meanwhile, Jayaram has joined the cast of Allu Arjun’s upcoming Telugu film Ala Vaikuntapuramlo, in which he is paired with Tabu. To prepare for the role, Jayaram shed 12 kgs in two months.