Filmmaker Vibha Bakshi has bagged her second National Award for the documentary SON RISE. Set in Haryana, the film follows three ordinary men working towards gender equality in rural North India. The film is inspired by the United Nations’ #HeForShe campaign.
Speaking about the honour, Vibha said, “On behalf of the SON RISE team, we are beyond ecstatic, honoured and most thankful to the respected Jury for recognising SON RISE. We hope through SON RISE more men and women will stand together in solidarity to create a more gender-equal society. Most grateful that this is our second consecutive National Film Award."
The winners for the 66th National Film Awards were announced on Friday. SON RISE shared the Best Non Feature Film Award with The Secret Life of Frogs (directed by Ajay and Vijay Bedi).
Vibha’s 2014 film, Daughters of Mother India, on the aftermath of the 2012 Delhi gang rape case, had won the National Film Award for Best Film On Social Issues.