The recent buzz about Karthi and Jyotika sharing the screen space for the first time has now been confirmed. The yet-to-be-titled film, directed by Malayalam filmmaker Jeethu Joseph, and produced by Suraj from Parallel Minds Productions in association with Viacom18 Studios, went on floors today in Goa. Sathyaraj will also be seen playing an important role in the film, alongside 90 ML fame Anson Paul.
Karthi took to Twitter to share the first look of the film.
This will be Jeethu Joseph’s second Tamil directorial after Papanasam. Scripted by Jeethu, Rensil D’Silva, and Manikandan, the film with music by Govind Vasantha, and cinematography by RD Rajasekar, is expected to get a release in October.
Karthi currently has Kaithi, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj; a film with director Bakkiyaraj Kannan of Remo fame; and one with his Kadaikutty Singam director Pandiraj, while Jyotika has a project with Gulebaghavali-fame Kalyan, and one with JJ Fredrick, who previously assisted Manithan-director Ahmed.