Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma, who directed the recently-released Lakshmi's NTR, a biopic on the less-talked-about phase in the life of NT Ramarao, has made an announcement that he is all set to helm a biopic on Kalvakuntla Chandrashekhar Rao (KCR), the Chief Minister of Telangana.
Titled Tiger - The Aggressive Gandhi, the film will cover all the important life events of KCR, right from his childhood to his foray into politics and spearheading the separate Telangana agitation to eventually becoming the first Chief Minister of the newly-formed State. Earlier today, the Sarkar director shared the title and poster of the film on Twitter.
Although it is still uncertain whether RGV has obtained the necessary permission from KCR or his family members to go ahead with the biopic, the director is said to be proceeding with his research work and has stated that he will begin shooting shortly. The cast and crew are yet to be finalised.
Opening up about the film during his recent interaction with Cinema Express, RGV said that the story of KCR's biopic will be backed by thorough research and truth to avoid any unnecessary controversy.
A few days ago, the 57-year-old filmmaker revealed that he is working on the biopic of Sasikala, a close aide of late Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa.