Akshara Haasan, who played an integral role in Vikram's Kadaram Kondan recently, will be making her web debut with a cyber-thriller series, titled Fingertip. Directed by S Shivakar, and produced by filmmaker Vishnu Vardhan, Fingertip also stars Sunaina, Madhusudhan Rao, Gayathrie, Ashwin Kakumanu.
"It is a five-episode anthology series which has all its stories happening within the same universe. We've tried to show how lifeless, man-made social media algorithms have started to influence the lives of people," says Shivakar, who denies that the series is inspired by the hit British show, Black Mirror. "What we are talking about in Fingertip is completely possible in the present day scenario, unlike Black Mirror, which is about the future."
Fingertip will premier in the Zee5 streaming platform on August 21.