There seems to be not one, but three biopics getting made on the life of the former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, J Jayalalithaa. The newest entrant is ace director Bharathirajaa who is set to helm the project on the life of the actor-turned-politician who passed away on 5 December, 2016.
Producer Adhithya Bharadwaj met the director to finalise the deal on Saturday, and an official announcement is said to be made soon. The makers are also planning to sign Ilaiyaraaja as the music composer. This is the third such project announced over the past week about the life of the late CM. Vibri Media was the first production house to announce its Jayalalithaa project with Madrasapattinam-fame Vijay as the director. This news was soon followed by director Priyadarshini, an associate of Mysskin, stating her intent to make a biopic and pay tribute to Jayalalithaa.