1. Sila Samayangalil: It was one of the first films to hit a streaming platform directly.This sensitively made film revolves around several people who are awaiting results of their AIDS screening test
Sila Samayangalil is streaming on Netflix.
2. Revelations: This film takes on complicated relationships and the personal revelations that they can bring. The film was well appreciated in the festival circuits before it landed on OTT
Revelations is streaming on Mubi until June.
3.Radiopetti: Nostalgia washes through as this film gives you a peek into this relationship between an old man who is hard of hearing and his Radiopetti.
The film was the first Tamil film to win the audience award at Busan film Festival in 2015. Radiopetti is streaming on YouTube for a charge of Rs 25
4. Sivapuranam: Arun Karthick's directorial debut premiered at the International Film Festival Rotterdam. An esoteric, but visually engaging take of a photographer who is obsessed with his subject.
The film is streaming on Mubi until May 27
5. Sethum Aayiram Pon: An interesting rural drama that not only captures the livelihoods associated with death, but also documents a rare art of make-up practiced in our villages.
The film is streaming on Neflix
6. RKNagar: The first Tamil film to hit the rosters of a OTT platform, thanks to the covid lockdown. RK Nagar stars Vaibhav, and Sampath in leading roles and is produced by Venkat Prabhu.