On Thursday, Netflix unveiled the trailer for their upcoming animated series, Exploding Kittens. Featuring an ensemble of animated cats, the series stars Tom Ellis, Abraham Lim and Lucy Liu in lead voice roles.
The series is an adaptation of a card game and will tell the story of the eternal conflict between Heaven and Hell as it begins to escalate once God and the Devil both get sent to Earth and are trapped in the bodies of chunky house cats.
The series will also star Ally Maki, Mark Proksch, and Sasheer Zamata. Shane Kosakowski and Matthew Inman serve as showrunners, with Mike Judge, Greg Daniels, and Dustin Davis serving as executive producers through Bandera Entertainment; Peter Chernin and Jenno Topping serving as executive producers through Chernin Entertainment Group; and the creators of the original card game, Elan Lee and Inman, also serving as executive producers.
While Netflix is yet to announce an official release date for the series, the streamer has revealed that it will premiere in July 2024. Along with the film, a mobile version of the card game, titled Exploding Cats - The Game, will be released on the Netflix app.