The critically acclaimed film Ravike Prasanga will drop on Prime Video on April 23. Santhosh Kodenkari’s directorial is based on a story written by his wife, Pavana, and revolves around the protagonist’s played by Geetha Bharathi. Geetha plays Sanvi Sampaje, an unmarried woman who wishes to wear a designer blouse, and the film explores the issues that stem from it.
In an earlier conversation with CE, Santhosh had talked about Ravike Prasanga, the great level of importance that women attach to their blouses, and how the film explores what happens when a blouse design goes wrong. This aspect becomes the soul of the film, sparking debates on various issues surrounding blouses, including the psychological pain, societal perceptions, and dreams of women.
The film also features Suman Ranganath Rakesh Maiyya, Padmaja Rao, Krishna Murhti Kaatar, Praveen Atharva, Kushi Achar, and Rahu Padeshwar, among others. Produced by Drusti Media and Productions, Ravike Prasanga features music by Vinay Sharma and cinematography by Muralidhar N.