Earlier, we had reported that actor Bhavana teamed up with director Shanker Ramakrishnan for an upcoming Malayalam film titled Rani. Now it has been learned that the film will hit the theatres on September 21.
The film also features an ensemble cast including Urvashi, Maala Parvathi, Honey Rose, Anumol, Indrans, Guru Somasundaram, Maniyanpilla Raju, Aswin Gopinath, Krishnan Balakrishnan, Ambi Neenasam, Aswanth Lal and Niyathi Kadambi.
Earlier released trailer of the film has hinted at a suspenseful story, with Indrans playing a private detective and new actress Niyathi Kadambi likely in a significant role.
Rani is produced by Vinod Menon, Shanker Ramakrishnan and Jimmy Jacob under the Magictail Works production banner.
The film's technical crew consists of Vinayak Gopal as cinematographer and Appu Bhattathiri as editor. Rani's music is composed by Mena Melath.