The makers of the upcoming Malayalam film A Ranjith Cinema, starring Asif Ali in the lead role, unveiled the film's trailer on Sunday. Directed by debutant Nishanth Sattu, the film also stars Anson Paul, Saiju Kurup, Namitha Pramod, Hannah Reji Koshy, and Jewel Mary in significant roles.
The trailer seems to depict Asif Ali's character's imaginative thoughts turning into reality. He goes after the chaotic situations to save his kin, who might be affected by the hypothetical events happening as realities. The trailer presents a montage of events but does not reveal much about the plot. However, all the lead actors make an appearance.
Here is the trailer
Billed as a romantic thriller, A Ranjith Cinema also stars Harisree Ashokan, Aju Varghese, Kottayam Ramesh, and Shobha Mohan, among others. Midhun Asokan is the film's composer, and cinematography is handled by Sunoj Velayudhan, Kunjunni and S Kumar. Nishad Peechi and Babu Joseph Ambatt are jointly producing the film under the banner of Luminous Film Factory.