We had earlier reported that the filming for the upcoming Malayalam film Pookkalam was wrapped up after 37 days of shooting in December last year. The film is the sophomore directorial of Ganesh Raj after Aanandam. On Sunday, the makers unveiled the first look poster of the film.
The poster showcases actors Vijayaraghavan and KPAC Leela lying in separate beds, covering themselves in blankets.
On Friday, the makers released a video titled Humans of Pookkaalam, weaving in glimpses of the characters from the film. The video has gained a wide reception among the audience.
Pookkaalam stars an ensemble cast including, Vineeth Sreenivasan, Basil Joseph, Johny Antony, Arun Kurien, Annu Antony, Suhasini Maniratnam, Sarath Sabha, Arun Ajikumar, Radha Gomathi, Ganga Meera, Aristo Suresh, and Sarasa Balusserry.
Written by Ganesh Raj, the film is bankrolled by Vinod Shornur & Thomas Thiruvalla. Pookkaalam has music composed by Sachin Warrier. The film's technical team consists of Anend C Chandran behind the camera and Midhun Murali as editor.
The release date of Pookkaalam is yet to be revealed.